Thursday, April 26, 2012

Half Assed Apology

Who knew that I would be Half Assed about blogging?  Life gets particularly crazy here around the end of the school year, but I am actually working on several posts.  I have one in the hopper about last summer's master bathroom makeover, and one in mind about decals, but I need to actually have ten minutes free while someone else is here to film me.  I've also been spray painting everything that isn't alive in my backyard, so it wouldn't hurt to take some pictures of that.  I'm hoping to catch up this weekend.  In the meantime, I will follow this "I suck" post with a guest post by the fabulous Lynn.  Her projects are not Half Assed, but they are definitely DIY and stunning, so give them a shot.

1 comment:

  1. I think the Half-Assed Decorator is doing is doing a better ass job at decorating than I guess one would call it a "bang-up" job! :)
